The first CraftBoston on the Move event was a resounding success! Thank you to everyone who joined us!
The event started with a standing-room-only lecture by Elizabeth James Perry on her Double Arrows exhibit at the Tufts University Art Gallery. After that, we were given a tour of the metalwork studio and an introduction to how the studio functions by Tanya Clark, professor and artist. After the talk, we all met again at the dining hall for lunch which included all 50 of us! It was a wonderful opportunity to talk and connect. Several events are planned through spring, 2024.
CraftBoston on the Move is an ongoing series of curated experiences offering group exhibition visits with guided tours, artist talks, and studio tours. We have designed each one to provide a unique experience! These events typically conclude with a casual get-together, reception, meal, or trunk show.
*On this page: Artists Patricia James Perry, Elizabeth James Perry; Board Members Queen Allottey-Pappoe, Lynne Francis-Lunne; Interim Executive Director Marcia Young; Curator, SMFA, Dina Dietsch; Professor and Artist, Tanya Crane; SA+C Board President, Katina Leodas; Executive Director, Metalwerx, Jennifer Gilbert; Lucy Steinert, Old North Illuminated; Teacher, Kendall Reiss, Students Justice Pena and Skylar Kaplan, Board Member, Lorraine Bressler; Former Board Member, Judy Obermeyer.